Plant Description

Salvia Timboon

Salvia Timboon

Salvia involucrata x karwinskii crosses have produced some interesting plants that do well in Sydney gardens, and 'Timboon' is assumed to be one of them. It is similar to the cross known as 'Winter Lipstick' (or 'Romantic Rose'), but is not quite as tall as that cultivar, which can soar to 4 m if given its head, and can also get rather wide! 'Timboon' seems to have a more upright shape and grows to around 2 m high and 1.5 m wide. It grows in full sun or in a spot with some afternoon shade in summer, in a well-drained position. It is said to be hardy to mild frosts and extended dry periods. 'Timboon' has deep burgundy-pink flowers in wine-coloured calyces in late autumn and winter. Even when it is in bud, it is beautiful. It is a very cheering sight in the winter garden. The flowers are a perfect match for the leaves of Iresine herbstii 'Brilliantissima', a fantastic foliage plant for mild gardens. The flowers also look good with purple or blue flowers such as blue or purple Salvia or Tibouchina. This salvia should be hard-pruned in summer as well as after flowering, to keep it compact. When pruned after flowering, large woody stems should be removed at ground level. Its big leaves provide an attractive backdrop for other plants throughout summer.

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Salvia Timboon
Out now in my Sydney garden.
Flowers from May to September.
Plant Family: Lamiaceae
